You Have Successfully Completed Your Testimonial Form!

Here's Your Next Steps



Thanks for submitting your testimonial form! Please be sure to read and follow the next steps carefully so your entire Case Study can be submitted successfully.

Step 1

Check your inbox for an email which will have your testimony responses. Open this email and follow step 2

Step 2

You should have your the exact email from step 1 open. Save a copy of your testimony responses to a word document or some place it's accessible on your device in order for you to read your responses while recording yourself. Then go to step 3

Step 3

Now that you have your testimony script saved where you can read it while simultaneously recording yourself, go ahead and complete your Case Study video.  Once you finish your video return to the email containing your testimony responses and you'll see a link that will take you where you will now upload it and be completely finished.

Thank you for your time and feedback!

Your content goes here